Nadia Volf, MD, PhD
2024 Training Session
A unique training in 3 weeks for health professionnals
(MDs, acupuncturists, auriculotherapists, midwives, nurses, dentists, physiotherapists, osteopaths, etc.)

As a health professionnal, you focus on 

We are all different. Each person reacts differently to a sickness and the same sickness can develop in different ways in different people. How can we distinguish the particular traits of each person in an objective, efficient, simple and quick manner?

The appearance of a clinical symptom, for instance a pain in the back or in a joint, is not always linked to a local problem, but can come from the malfunctioning of an internal organ (this is called a referred pain). These cases, which represent the majority of unexplained pains, are particularly hard to deal with, since a local treatment doesn’t provide the expected relief. In these situations Causal Auricular Diagnosis helps us to understand and to determine the real cause of the development of the symptoms. Therefore we can treat the cause of the pain, not only the symptom.

The therapeutical effectiveness of this causal approach attains an immediate and long-lasting relief of the symptom. This approach also helps us to understand the pathological processes and allows us to prevent diseases before they become clinically visible. We could compare this to a car when a red light appears on the dashboard, signalling a problem: Breaking the signal will not repair the real trouble.

Causal Auricular Diagnosis is based on knowledge of neuro-physiology and allows us to read information from the Central Nervous System and thus to determine the state of each one of the systems of the body. The mapping of the brain, with its representation in miniature of all the body organs, changes shape when an organ fails or stops functioning normally. The sensitivity of the neurones increases in the part of the brain that is linked to the impaired organ. This focused modification causes visible marks on the auricle. Thus, thanks to the Causal Auricular Diagnostic, we can objectively see the image of an organs’ malfunction in a way quite similar to classical medical imaging for anatomically visible pathologies. 

Join this 4 week training session and you will be able to use the Causative Auricular Diagnosis method in your DAILY PRACTICE.
Introduction by Nadia Volf MD, PhD 

Curriculum description

Module 1 - Initial Training

2 online webinars of 3 hours each to study
1 Q&A interactive session Sunday, Sept. 29th - 10am-1pm (Paris time)

✅ Causative Auricular Diagnosis (CAD) principles
✅ How to properly use the CAD
✅ How to capture a good ear picture
✅ Clinical cases full review
✅ Auricular Points Mapping (Dr Nadia Volf)
✅ How to properly identify the active points
✅ How to distinguish active points related to the cause (the origin of the disease) to the ones related to the consequences (the symptom)
✅ Understand the ear vascularization and link it with CAD practice
✅ How to efficiently develop a treatment strategy to target the cause and take care of the symptom at the same time
✅ How to arbitrate between different auricular marks
✅ Comprehensive review and mapping of pathologies, auricular marks and treatment strategies

The 2 webinars will be released from begining of February, with pdf supports, maps, localisation videos and protocols. You will have to study them online.

A full Question & Answer session of 3 hours with Dr Volf will be held the 18th of February to clarify all necessary items and guide you into first practice.

You will be able to share the pictures of the ears of your patients with other students as clinical cases examples.

At this stage, you will have :

❇️ The 2 initial training sessions replay (always available)
❇️ The lecture slides and handouts
❇️ The Auricular Points Maps of Dr Nadia Volf
❇️ A clinical cases training BOOK, with more than 100 ear pictures with solutions and indications. This book will be continuously enriched!

Module 2 - Supervised practice (session 1) 

1 week - online supervision (Monday to Friday)

During this week, you will apply the principles seen in initial training with your loved ones and your patients. You can also ask your patients to send you pictures of their ears to practice.

✅ You will be invited to a private Facebook group to share your ear pictures, your diagnosis propositions and your questions.

✅ You will have a daily feedback from Dr Volf team to validate your proposals or give you directions.

✅ Each member of the group will be invited to share and react to the suggestions of others to increase learning opportunities.

At this stage, you will have :

❇️ The 2 initial training sessions replay (at will)
❇️ The lecture slides and handouts
❇️ The Auricular Points Maps and localisation videos of Dr Nadia Volf
❇️ Video Demonstrations of clinical cases analysis
❇️ An open access to the supervised working group on Causative Auricular Diagnosis

Module 3 - Q & A, Practice Feedback

1 webinar of 3 hours (length will vary according to content and questions)
Sunday, October 13th - 10am-1pm (Paris time)

Following the first practical phase, an online session will allow everyone to assess the acquired skills and discuss the difficulties encountered. Depending on the subjects, specific exercises and recommendations will be made for the next phase.

At this stage, you will have :

❇️ The Q&A session + the 2 initial training sessions in replay (at will)

Module 4 - Supervised Practice (session 2) 

2 weeks - online supervision (Monday to Friday)

During those 2 weeks, you will broaden your practice to a new diversity of clinical cases with your patients or loved ones.

✅ You will continue to share your ear pictures, your diagnosis propositions and your questions on a private Facebook group.

✅ You will have a multiple weekly feedback from Dr Volf team to validate your proposals or give you directions.

✅ Each member of the group will be invited to share and react to the suggestions of others to increase learning opportunities.

At this stage, you will have :

❇️ All training sessions replay (always available)
❇️ The lecture slides and handouts
❇️ The Auricular Points Maps and localisation videos of Dr Nadia Volf
❇️ Video Demonstrations of clinical cases analysis
❇️ An open access to the supervised working group on Causative Auricular Diagnosis

Module 5 - Q&A, Wrap Up

1 webinar of 2 hours (length will vary according to content and questions)
Sunday, October 20th - 10am-1pm (Paris time)

This live online session will allow all students at the end of their training to assess the acquired skills and have recommendations and solutions for the difficulties encountered and continue to practice and improve.

You will end the training with :

❇️ All training sessions replays
❇️ The lecture slides and handouts
❇️ The Auricular Points Maps and localisation videos of Dr Nadia Volf
❇️ Video Demonstrations of clinical cases analysis
❇️ An open access to the private Facebook group of Dr Volf's students with commented clinical cases
The passion to teach
Photo Dr Nadia Volf
Dear future students,

An old proverb says: "The professor accompanies you part of the way, but it is not your destination".

Our dearest wish is to help you flourish on the path of learning, to help you not only to develop your professional activities, but also to raise your awareness because of the height of ancestral wisdom the angle of view grows and the vision of the world widens.

The approach to scientific acupuncture that we teach you is a gateway to the incredible world of the human organism, whose potential never ceases to amaze us with its regenerative capacities and its infinite possibilities. For 40 years our life has been entirely guided by the study of ancient texts and the modernization of their knowledge for the benefit of patients.

On this long way we met a large number of masters, who helped us in our quest. Inaccessible, they finally opened the doors of their hearts to us and generously shared their knowledge.

This is why we are very enthusiastic about ​​launching an acupuncture and auriculotherapy academy, which will serve you to build the fundamental basis for the understanding and integration of this new knowledge and of course to make your practice grow significantly.

We look forward to accompanying you on this exciting path and to meeting or finding you very soon!

Dr Nadia Volf
  • 15 hours of online teaching with unlimited replay access
  • ​3 weeks of supervised practice
  • ​Digital Package : Auricular Points Map and localisation videos (Dr Nadia Volf), lecture slides
  • ​Clinical cases analysis videos
  • ​An access to the Facebook private group of Dr Volf's students.


or 4 x 195€ / month

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